Signs Of A Bad Boy (Attractive Traits Girls Like About Bad Boys)

Did you know that girls prefer bad boys over nice guys? Why? Because bad boys have attractive traits that set them apart from nice guys. But, you shouldn’t confuse bad boys with jerks or assholes, however.

Think of a bad boy as the cool kid at school that plays sports and hangs out with other cool kids. Jerks, meanwhile, are the bullies.

Understand, girls despise jerks. So many nice guys who try to turn into bad boys end up becoming the exact opposites.

So how can you tell if somebody else is a bad boy? Most importantly, what are the signs of a bad boy?

Well, you can tell a bad boy by the way he carries himself.

Read: How To Be A Bad Boy Over Text

Signs of a bad boy.

#1. Bad Boys Are Carefree.

Behaviors of bad boys originate from their mentalities. One of the mentalities that bad boys have and that gives them that carefree vibe is an “I do not care what you think of me” kind of attitude. He will do whatever he wants and when he wants. He rarely cares what others think of him. When the rest of you are scared of taking action because you might offend someone, bad boys will go ahead and just do it.

When the rest of you are scared to approach that attractive girl, the bad boy will walk straight up to her and start a conversation with her.

#2. They Have Problems With Following the Rules

Bad boys often want to think for themselves. So they sometimes end up breaking the rules.

They prefer doing their own thing other than following the masses.

Bad boys do not do well in situations where everyone is required to follow strict rules and regulations like schools and the army.

Perhaps, it could be the reason why bad boys become successful entrepreneurs and famous people.

They set their own rules – without breaking the law – and follow them. They do not go with dogma.

#3. He Rarely Apologises.

Bad boys rarely apologize. This is the opposite of a nice guy. A nice guy apologizes all the time for every little thing. This looks counterintuitive but it is a huge turn-off for girls.

A nice guy will apologize whenever:

  • He misses her call.
  • Doesn’t immediately text back.
  • Forgets to call.
  • Picks her up late for a date.

#4. Doesn’t Prioritize his Girl

Bad boys never put their girlfriends on a pedestal. They never do everything to impress her.

A bad boy has lots of good things going on in his life. His validation and self-worth are not dependent on his girl. So that could mean that he may not always be available to hang out If he has his other own plans like hanging out with his guy friends.

A nice guy will drop his plans to hang out with his girl. A nice guy will reply to a girl’s text immediately after he receives it. A nice guy treats his girlfriend like someone very special. He treats her like a one-in-a-million.

A bad boy treats his girlfriend like any other normal girl. He treats a girl special only if she’s earned it. When a girl misbehaves by flaking on a date, for example, the bad boy withdraws his attention from the girl.

A nice guy will treat a girl nice and special regardless of her behavior.

#5. He smiles with a smirk.

You will rarely see a bad boy smile while showing his teeth. Bad boys often smile with a smirk. He smiles with his eyes, not with his mouth. He tilts the mouth slightly to one side without showing his teeth.

This smile makes girls melt. It makes him look mysterious and incredibly sexy.

#6. A Bad Boy is Brutally Honest.

Bad boys never beat around the bush.

If you do anything that he doesn’t like or anything that crosses his boundaries, he will let you know. He will tell you straight up. Whether it is a random person or an attractive girl. 

This makes him look arrogant.

But girls and people in general respect bad boys despite their “arrogance”. They are not pushovers. They will never allow anyone to walk all over them. If you do, the bad boy will state his opinion without explaining himself.

Nice guys often do the exact opposite. They let people walk all over them because they don’t want to offend anyone. Most nice guys are people-pleasers. This is very true when it comes to attractive girls.

Girls often end up walking all over nice guys because nice guys fear that if they try to stand up for themselves, they may lose the girl. They fear taking the risk of losing the girl’s validation and attention. So they sacrifice their values and boundaries for the girl’s attention and validation.

#7. Bad Boys Are Leaders in Society.


People in society look up to bad boys.

This is because of their leadership skills like assertiveness, taking initiative, decisiveness, being brutally honest, and being charismatic.

Bad boys also become leaders because they tend to assume that people will follow their lead since they do not like following others.

#8. A Bad Boy is Unpredictable.

You will never be sure of what a bad boy will do next. It’s very hard to predict the bad boy’s next move.

A girl will never know if his bad-boy boyfriend will hang out with her or not. She is never sure whether he will commit to her or not. She is never sure whether he will reply to her text immediately or not.

#9. Bad Boys Have a Sense of Humor

Most bad boys have a sense of humor that is above average. They can easily make anyone laugh.

They have an incredible sense of humor because they rarely filter themselves. They say what is on their mind without second-guessing themselves.

This makes bad boys have an incredible social vibe because they aren’t always stuck in their heads. They are always in the moment having a nice time. This makes girls and people, in general, want to be around bad boys.

Girls get a dopamine rush whenever they are around bad boys because they can easily make a girl laugh.

Bad boys also never take themselves and life so seriously. Though they never allow anyone to walk all over them, you can easily tease a bad boy because he will rarely get offended.

When a girl says something sarcastic, he will laugh it off. He is never phased by the girls’ tests.

This is the opposite of nice guys. Nice guys take themselves and life too seriously. When you playfully tease a nice guy, he can easily get offended. When you say anything silly and playful to a nice guy, he will start to act defensively.

That is why nice guys find it hard to score with girls. They find it hard because girls often test a guy’s confidence and emotional strength.

They do this through teasing, a skill that comes naturally to girls but troubles guys. They tease a guy by giving them shit tests.

Read: How girls test you

Any guy who lacks a sense of humor or a nice guy who takes himself too seriously will fail to pass the girl’s shit tests.

#10. Girls Flock Around Bad Boys

Understand bad boys’ exercise options when it comes to females. Sadly, however, nice guys make up the largest portion of the male population.

Read: 76 Signs a Girl Likes You but Trys to Hide It

This gives bad boys an unfair advantage. Bad boys have traits that attract girls on a primal level. Traits like:

  • Insane confidence.
  • Not putting girls on a pedestal.
  • Assertiveness.
  • High social status.
  • Leadership.
  • A sense of humor.

As I said, these qualities give bad boys an unfair advantage when it comes to dating.

Nice guys have qualities that often push girls away. Traits like

  • Seeking a girl’s validation and permission.
  • Being predictable and Boring.
  • Letting girls walk all over them.
  • Putting girls on a pedestal.
  • Taking themselves too seriously.
  • Jealousy and Insecurity.

All these traits put the nice guy at a disadvantage. therefore, we end up with a situation where most girls want to date a few bad boys. So by becoming a bad boy, you will have an unfair advantage.

#11. Bad Boys Are Often Players.

Because they have a plethora of options, it is difficult for bad boys to commit to one girl. Because of their attractive qualities, they end up dating multiple females.

Why would girls want to be with a guy who is a player?

It doesn’t make sense, right? 

She should give a chance to a man who loves and is willing to be faithful to her. And that’s literally where the problem lies.

Girls think that they can get the player to commit. But most of the time, it never happens. The thing is, some women love challenges. Just like anyone who is success-driven. Bad boys present themselves as a challenge to attractive females.

Girls want to feel like they earned success by making a player commit.

Final Thoughts

What makes a bad boy is not because he is “bad” but because of his mentality and behaviors. You can easily tell a bad boy by the way he carries himself and by the way people treat him.