76 Tell Tale Signs a Girl Likes You

Do you know how to tell if a girl likes you? It may not seem simple, but there are many signs a girl will show when she’s into someone. 

So, if you want to know whether a girl likes you, keep reading! I will share with you 76 signs that a girl likes you. Plus, I’ll throw in some signs she’ll show when she isn’t that into you.

Signs She Likes You

Most guys aren’t aware of these subtle clues, and in most cases, girls don’t even realize they’re sending these signals. But if you know what to look for, you can learn to read between the lines and decode the girls’ signals.

#1. She teases or tests you.

Girls tease as a playful way to show that she’s into someone. If she is teasing you, it’s a great sign!

Teasing is also how she tests whether the feeling is mutual by how you respond. It’s much safer than being straightforward with her feelings because the risk of rejection won’t be there.

It’s also how she tests how you deal with a challenge and how you react when she’s “being mean.” She wants to see how you handle her “insults” and whether you have the confidence to respond. 

She wants a witty response; it’s important you make sure you don’t unintentionally hurt her feelings. Avoid making any personal comebacks about her appearance.

#2. When she makes eye contact with you, she holds her gaze.

If a girl looks at you, looks away, and then looks back at you within 30 seconds, she’s into you!

If you look at a girl and she looks down and away right away, it’s most likely because she’s embarrassed. She might be interested, but she’s shy.

If you make eye contact with a girl for longer than the usual glance, even if it’s only for a couple of seconds, it’s a strong sign she’s probably interested. And it shows that she’s confident!

A strong, steady gaze shows her that you’re also confident and interested in her. If you quickly look away, it shows her that you’re insecure or lack confidence. 

It’s important not to come off as creepy, so maintain eye contact for about 3-4 seconds before looking away. Relax your posture and give a friendly smile too!

#3. When you look at her, she fluffs her hair.

When a girl fluffs or plays with her hair, it’s a good sign she’s trying to flirt with you. Subconsciously, girls tend to fix themselves up when attracted to someone. 

She’s trying to get your attention, so take it as a sign to walk up and start a conversation!

#4. She mirrors your actions.

When a girl is mirroring you, she subconsciously mimics your behavior. Take this as a sign that you’ve caught her attention!

Generally, when people mirror actions or behavior, it shows empathy and is a sign of comfort and trust. Mirroring is a way to connect and better understand others.

Mirroring can look like copying your body language, laughing when you laugh, and taking a sip of her drink when you take a sip.

Also, if you’re trying to win her over, mirroring her can positively impact how she sees you!

#5. Her pupils dilate when she gazes into your eyes.

If her eyes dilate when she looks at you, it’s a good sign she’s attracted to you! When we look at someone we like, our brains send out “feel good” chemicals causing our pupils to dilate.

Dilated pupils can also be caused by dim lighting or nervousness. So, it’s a good idea to read the room and check for other signs that she might be into you.

#6. She laughs at your typical statements.

If her laugh is genuine, it’s because she likes you and wants you to like her back. Laughing at everything you say can signify that she’s nervous, socially awkward, or doesn’t know how to respond. 

But if she’s laughing as though it’s the funniest thing she’s heard, she’s definitely into you! 

#7. She compliments you on small things.

You caught her eye if she was giving you compliments! Bonus points if you’re in a group setting and she only complimented you. 

If she thinks you’re attractive, she’ll probably tell you. This is because girls love boosting the confidence of the guy they’re into. They’ll always come up with a reason to do this.

#8. She looks for all excuses to touch you.

You did something right if she’s comfortable with touching you! Touching is subtle and can resemble gently grazing your arm or leg during a conversation. It means she’s flirting with you.

Also, pay attention to how she interacts with herself. If she’s nervous or excited, she’ll subconsciously rub her arms or cross and uncross her legs as a way to calm down.

#9. She will face you with her whole body.

If her torso faces you during a conversation, it’s a great sign that she likes you. You captured her full attention!

Pay attention to her body language if you’re in a group setting (like a party) and she’s seen you walk in. If her torso is pointing towards you, she wants you to come up and talk to her. 

#10. She asks you out.

This may be the most obvious sign that she’s interested in you. She wants to hang out and spend time with you. 

Likely, she didn’t want to wait around until you asked her out. It also shows that she’s very confident. 

#11. She posts you on social media.

If you have been hanging out with a girl for a while, and she posts photos or videos with you on social media (think Snapchat or Instagram stories), it’s a good sign that she likes spending time with you. 

In most cases, people only share their best moments on social media. So take it as a sign that she’s also proud of you and wants to show you off. 

She isn’t keeping you a secret; she’s letting other guys know she isn’t available even if you haven’t made your relationship official yet.

However, it can also mean that she is trying to make an ex-boyfriend jealous, so be sure to look for other signs that she genuinely likes you.

#12. Her friends know about you.

This can go two ways; if her friends know about you, it’s either because she thinks you’re amazing or an absolute jerk.

When it comes to girls and their friends, they share everything. Her friends are like her therapists; she’ll ask them for advice and vent to them if she’s ever frustrated with you. 

It’s very likely that her friends already know the most intimate details, so pay attention to how her friends react to you when you meet them. If the interaction is positive, she likes you and tells her friends great things! 

Double points if her friends ask you how you feel about the girl you’re seeing, it means that she likes you a lot and they want to know so they can protect her feelings.

In the (very rare) situation of her friends not knowing about you, it’s likely because she’s keeping you a secret out of shame or fear of judgment. 

For example, let’s say you’re a musician and her friends have a weird thing against musicians (maybe it’s the lifestyle?). She might wait until she’s 100% sure about your relationship and how she feels about you before risking being judged by her friends. 

Regardless, it isn’t a good situation to be in, and you should probably move on.

#13. She sits so close to you.

If she sits close to you, she feels comfortable with you. It’s also a sign that she finds you attractive and you have her attention!

Of course, this depends on the situation. If the area you’re in is congested, then it may not mean anything. But if it’s just the two of you, she’s flirting.

#14. She feels nervous around you.

If she’s noticeably nervous when talking to you, it’s a sure sign she likes you. When a girl has feelings for you, she watches her words and actions around you. 

She’s worried you won’t be attracted to her if she says or does the wrong thing. Nervousness can look like fidgeting, stuttering, and slightly shaky hands.

#15. She asks you a lot of personal questions.

She wants to know you better, and you have her interest. She’ll ask questions about your goals, aspirations, passions, hobbies, or childhood experiences. 

Pay attention to her mannerisms when you’re responding. Does it seem like she’s listening intently? Is she leaning in ever so slightly? Chances are, she’s into you!

#16. She’s energetic while talking to you.

She’s energetic because she’s excited! 

Now, it’s possible she might be a naturally energetic person. However, girls do not give much energy and attention to guys they are not interested in. 

#17. She shows feelings of jealousy.

Do you notice her energy or behavior shifts when you talk to another girl? Girls have different ways of coping with jealousy; it can look different depending on the girl.

Jealousy can look like withdrawing attention and becoming avoidant or dismissive. Did she seek attention from another guy? If so, she is likely trying to elicit the same jealous response from you. It’s another way of figuring out whether you genuinely like her or not.

Jealousy can also look like giving you extra attention. Is she trying to bud into your conversation, touch your arm, or stand close to you? That’s jealousy, and she’s showing the other girl that you’re with her (even if your relationship is still unofficial). 

#18. She gives you a ton of attention.

If you notice that she is giving you more attention than anyone else in the room, she’s interested!

She likes the conversation, and she likes being around you. 

Now, it’s important to check if her attention is quickly diverting in the direction of another guy. If this is the case, she may be using you to get another guy jealous. 

But if the attention is all on you and she seems genuinely interested in the conversation, she finds you attractive!

#19. If you hold her hand, she holds back tightly.

This is an obvious sign that she’s interested in you. She’ll let you hold her hand and squeeze your hand gently. 

If she squeezes your hand, it’s a sign of affection (or comfort, depending on the situation).

#20. Her foot points towards you.

When in conversation, pay attention to where her feet are pointing. The direction of her feet is a subconscious signal of her level of interest. 

Feet pointing in your direction means she’s fully engaged in the conversation. Having one footstep back could signify her discomfort and wanting to distance herself.

In contrast, having a foot point in a different direction indicates she wants to leave the conversation.

Signs She is Developing Feelings

It can sometimes be challenging to know whether or not they’re interested in dating you. However, there are plenty of signs that indicate a girl developed feelings for you. Keep reading to learn the signs!

#1. She looks for excuses to contact you.

If she sends you messages or snaps random pictures and videos of her day, she’s looking for an excuse to start a conversation.

She likes you, and she wants to connect. If she’s bold, she may call you just to say hi!

#2. She will start to touch you very often.

When a girl starts to develop stronger feelings, she’ll get more affectionate with how she touches you. You’ll notice that she wants to cuddle, or she’ll gently rub your arm or hand when you two are sitting close. 

This is a great sign; girls don’t do this unless they genuinely like you.

#3. She reaches out to you more frequently.

If you’re in the beginning stages of dating, she’ll reach out more often if she’s developing stronger feelings. She’ll crave the connection when you’re apart. 

This happens because she misses you.

#4. Her friends know about you.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, girls talk to their friends about everything. She likes you if her friends know more personal details, such as your job, where you grew up, or your hobbies.

She’s excited about you and wants to share that excitement with her closest girlfriends.

#5. She asks you deeply personal questions.

Asking deeply personal questions signifies that she wants a more meaningful connection with you. It shows that she’s genuinely into you. 

For example, she’ll ask questions about your relationship with your parents, fears, and desires.

#6. She goes along with what you suggest.

This will depend on the personality of the girl. Some girls want more masculinity out of the guy they’re seeing. For instance, she’ll want you to decide where to eat and where to go on a date. She’ll happily agree to your suggestions.

Other girls may not be open to every suggestion you have, but she’ll consider them if she has feelings for you. 

#7. She gives you simple tests.

If a girl has feelings for you, she may test whether you are boyfriend material or not. This is usually to protect her feelings.

Tests can look like asking particular questions to see if you’re honest. A test can also not be as obvious; she may watch how you treat a waitress/waiter to see how well you treat others. Or, if the server gets your order wrong, she may pay attention to your anger level. 

A test can also look like asking you to do a task or errand that she can easily do herself. She wants to know if she can rely on you. 

She wants to know how much she means to you and how well you treat others around you. It’s always best to be honest and treat others with respect. She’ll respect you more for it as a result.

#8. She opens up to you.

A girl will only open up to you if she trusts you. She feels safe being vulnerable around you and can talk about past emotional experiences without fear.

She’ll do this because she wants a deeper connection with you.  

#9. She feels excited whenever she sees you around.

If her face lights up and she rushes to give you a hug when you meet up, it’s because she’s excited to see you and she likes you.

It’s a great sign that she’s developed feelings!

#10. The girl will start to do things to impress you.

There are plenty of ways a girl might try to impress you. She might put more effort into her appearance, make witty jokes, or try to sound more clever. 

She may even cook a home-cooked meal if you two are hanging out at her place! She wants to show off her skills. It’s because she likes you and wants to keep you interested.

Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings

A girl may hide her feelings if she thinks you may not feel the same way about her. It’s a way of protecting herself from rejection. 

It’s essential to know the difference between a girl hiding the way she feels versus a girl who is not that into you. Getting the two confused can lead to a messy situation.

#1. She feels jealousy when she sees you around other girls.

As I’ve mentioned, her energy or behavior will change if she feels jealous. Jealousy is a complex emotion to mask.

If you mention another female, or she sees you talking to another girl, her energy will drop, and she may become dismissive if she tries to hide her feelings. 

#2. She remembers simple details in your conversations.

If you notice that she remembered small details from past conversations, it’s because she has thought about you since then. 

It’s a good indicator of her level of interest in you.

#3. She holds her gaze whenever she makes eye contact with you.

Her level of eye content is a great way to gauge whether she’s into you or not. If you make eye contact with her from across the room and it lasts between 3-4 seconds, she more than likely is attracted to you.

Additionally, if she holds eye contact between sentences in a conversation, this is a great sign that you have her attention and that she likes you.

#4. Her friends know about you.

As previously mentioned, this can mean two things. She either likes you, or she thinks you’re a dunce. 

Girls like to talk about what a guy does well, and they also talk about the things guys don’t do so well.

Her friends’ reaction to meeting you is the best way to determine which one she thinks you are. If they’re friendly or excited to meet you, chances are she told them she’s into you.

#5. Points her body towards you.

If her body points towards you in a conversation, she’s engaged and interested. It means you have her full attention, and there’s a good chance she’s into you!

#6. She touches you often.

A girl will only touch you if she’s comfortable with you or likes you. If she is hiding her feelings, the way she’ll touch you may seem more innocent, like gently touching your arm if she needs to walk past you and there is limited space. 

If she likes you, she’ll want to be close and touch you, but she won’t make it obvious if she wants to protect her feelings.

#7. The girl reaches out to you.

Just as it is with touch, a girl who likes you may reach out, but if she’s hiding her feelings, it won’t be as forward to avoid rejection. 

She might send you snaps or messages that aren’t as personal because she still wants to connect. For example, she might send you a Snapchat of her walking her dog with the caption, “It’s so nice out today!” 

She wants to start a conversation but won’t outwardly ask you what you are up to because rejection hurts.

#8. The girl will feel excited to spend time with you.

Even if she tries to hide her feelings, she’ll still want to spend time with you. If you’re unsure how she feels about you, you can invite her out with your friends first to see how she responds. If she seems excited and happy to go, it’s a good sign she likes you!

This is a good idea if you have friends who can bring their girlfriends along too, or you have a mix of female and male friends. She might not feel comfortable hanging out with a group of guys. 

She might ask for a raincheck if she likes you, but she has already made other plans. If she seems like she’s always busy, then it means she is not interested. She won’t set time aside to hang out with you.

#9. She checks you out.

When a girl is checking someone out, she’ll make quick glances seem less obvious.

Now, if you catch a girl looking at you and she quickly looks down and away, it’s because she feels embarrassed about getting caught checking you out.

If she is with a group of friends and you notice one of her friends looking at you too, it’s because she told her friends to check you out too!

#10. She holds back whenever the conversation gets sexual.

There could be many reasons she won’t engage in any sexual conversation. It could be due to the culture she was raised in, or she may just be a modest person. 

If she laughs it off and diverts the conversation while still seeming engaged, there’s a chance she could be interested. 

If this happens, it’s best not to try and make the conversation sexual again to avoid coming off as a creep desperate to sleep with her. It’s the quickest way to turn her off. 

#11. She starts preening around you.

Preening is the act of fixing oneself up to appear more attractive. Girls do this subconsciously when talking to someone they find attractive, even when trying to hide how they feel.

Preening can look like smoothing out her clothes, fixing her posture to stand straighter, or fixing her hair.

#12. She mirrors you.

Mirroring is a great indicator of whether she likes you or not because mirroring happens subconsciously. 

If you cross your arms, does she do so as well? You can also take a sip of your drink and see if she follows. 

#13. She laughs hard at your mildly witty comments.

Even if she tries hiding her feelings, she’ll still be excited and nervous about being around you. This can be made clear if you crack a lame joke, and she still laughs.

She might be laughing out of anxious excitement or because she wants to boost your confidence and be liked by you. Either way, it’s because she is interested in you.

#14. She gives you compliments.

A compliment could just be a friendly gesture, or it can mean she’s into you. The difference is if you notice she doesn’t compliment other guys within the group.

Another strong sign that she likes you is if she compliments your character. For example, she compliments your sense of humor, interests, or how you treat others.

On the flip side, if she says you have a nice hat, it’s probably because you have a nice hat.

Signs She Loves (or is Falling in Love) With You

If a girl is falling for you, her behavior will likely change. She’ll act warmer and more caring. She may get easily upset over things she previously wouldn’t have. The relationship will become more of a priority for her.

#1. She is much more affectionate towards you.

When a girl falls for you, she’ll likely change how she touches and kisses you. You’ll notice more passion and emotion in how she interacts with you. 

She might kiss you slower or snuggle up close if you’re watching a show together. She will also go out of her way to do sweet things for you.

#2. She craves your attention.

She will likely want to spend more time alone with you if she’s falling hard. She will crave the connection when you two are apart. 

You’ll notice that she’d rather spend more time at home with you than go out.

#3. She shows feelings of jealousy.

Not only will she show feelings of jealousy, but she will openly express it to you. Chances are, if she is falling for you, it is because you have been in a relationship for quite some time. 

If you’re talking to another girl at a social event, and she feels the conversation is treading into the flirting territory, she will tell you. 

She will either give you a look that displays her emotion or outwardly walk up and ask you to introduce her to the girl you are chatting with. Either way, she will want to talk to you about it after the event. 

If she means a lot to you, reassuring her is best. Tell her that the other woman is a friend you grew up with, or maybe she’s a coworker. 

It’s always best to be honest with your girlfriend, even if you found the other girl attractive and were flirting with her. It’s a good sign that the relationship isn’t a good fit and will save you time in the long run.

#4. Your girlfriend invests a lot in your relationship.

When a girl begins to fall for you, she will start investing much more time and energy in the relationship. 

She may even talk about plans to move forward, such as moving in together or even give you a spare key to her place. 

She might even buy you expensive gifts for your birthday or anniversary. 

#5. Your girlfriend prioritizes you over everything and everyone else.

If she’s falling for you and sees a future with you, she will prioritize your relationship above all else. You might notice that she spends less time with her friends to be with you. 

She might even adjust her schedule to prioritize the relationship as well.

#6. She apologizes.

If she loves you, her apologies will be genuine and heartfelt. If you open up to her about something she did that upset you, for example, going out with her friends without letting you know (assuming you both live together), she’ll listen and provide a genuine apology.

If she respects you, she’ll make an effort to better communicate with you when she wants to make plans with her friends in the future. 

On the other hand, if she over-apologizes for every little thing, this is typically a sign of unresolved childhood trauma. 

She likely grew up in a household with many conflicts, which may have led to violence. Or she might’ve been in an abusive relationship in the past. If this is the case, she’ll apologize for every small thing and situation that are out of her control to avoid conflict with you.

It’s important to note that open and transparent communication is key.

#7. She wants to introduce you to her family and friends.

This is a huge sign that she could be falling for you! She will only introduce you to her family if she sees a future with you. 

She’ll want you to get to know her friends and make plans to meet them. She’s inviting you into her life.

#8. Your girlfriend will always include you in her plans.

If she’s discussing her future and including you in her plans, it means she’s falling for you. She sees you as having long-term potential. 

She might talk about traveling together or invite you out to accompany her to social events. 

#9. She doesn’t notice other guys.

She won’t pay attention to other guys if her feelings for you are strong. Even after the two of you make the relationship official, there’s a good chance other guys will still try and flirt with her. 

She will brush them off, or she won’t notice them altogether because her focus is on you.

#10. She is loyal.

This goes without saying; she will remain loyal if she has fallen for you. Loyalty can be remaining faithful, but it can also look like shutting any guy down that tries to flirt with her.

She’ll also defend you if people speak badly about you when you are not around, and she’ll be there to support you through life’s most challenging moments. 

Loyalty can also look like supporting and celebrating when you’ve reached a goal (like getting a promotion).

#11. She is submissive.

She’ll naturally feel more comfortable letting you lead in a loving, healthy relationship. Given that you make her feel secure enough to do so. 

Don’t mistake submissiveness as blindly obeying your every wish and command. In the past, women had to be submissive to survive.

In modern times, women have human rights and don’t need to rely on a man to survive. So, when it comes to relationships, women may give off more masculine energy if they don’t feel secure.

If you provide a safe and comfortable space for her to be in her feminine energy, she will more than likely embrace it! 

Signs She Likes You During a Conversation

In most cases, girls unknowingly give off signals when they’re attracted to or interested in a guy. Some are more obvious than others, but if you pay attention to how she acts around you, you’ll get a clear answer on how she feels about you.

#1. She feels nervous around you.

It typically means she’s worried about how you might perceive her if she’s nervous. She wants you to like her, so she may be focused on saying the right things so she doesn’t accidentally embarrass herself.

Signs of nervousness could look like stuttering, awkwardness, and fidgeting.

#2. She touches you.

Touching is how most girls flirt. She might put her hand on your arm or leg when laughing at one of your jokes, or she’ll look for another reason to touch you. 

#3. She makes prolonged eye contact.

Prolonged eye contact is very intimate; she’ll do this if she genuinely wants to connect with you. It also means she’s really into the conversation and interested in what you have to say. 

Look for other signs of interest, such as leaning in or enthusiasm.

#4. She looks down after making eye contact.

Looking down when making eye contact could signify shyness or nervousness. Does she blush when she looks down? 

If this is the case, then she is crushing on you!

#5. She restarts the conversation when it lulls.

She doesn’t want it to end if she puts extra effort into keeping the conversation going. She wants to spend more time with you. 

She might restart the conversation, or she’ll bring up another topic.

#6. Gives you positive body language.

Positive body language could look like a relaxed posture and leaning in slightly. She may even lick or bite her lips if she’s thinking about kissing you.

Other examples of positive body language include playing with her hair, crossing and uncrossing her legs, or fidgeting with an item. Such as a wine glass or a napkin.

#7. Gets close to you.

She is flirting if the two of you are chatting, and she leans in or gets closer to you. She’ll get closer to hear you better if you’re in a noisy area (like a busy restaurant or bar).

She wouldn’t get close to you if she weren’t into you.

#8. Her pupils dilate and sparkle.

Our pupils dilate when we look at someone we’re attracted to. This happens because our brains release happy chemicals, and it’s something we can’t control. 

If her eyes dilate when you lock eyes, it’s a sure sign she finds you attractive.

#9. She laughs at your non-witty statements.

She wouldn’t laugh at every lame joke you tell if she wasn’t into you. She’s either laughing out of excitement or nervousness. She may want to make you feel good.

In each case, it’s because she likes you.

#10. She compliments you about anything.

If she compliments you on how funny or great you are, she’s into you. She may even compliment your physique if she’s bold and isn’t shy about outwardly flirting. 

#11. She teases you.

Teasing is how girls flirt playfully. She wants to see if you can come up with a witty response on the spot! She might want to know how you react to a challenge as well. 

This is an excellent sign that she’s into you.

#12. She mirrors you during conversations.

Mirroring is a subconscious way of showing interest. It’s a way for people to connect and understand each other better. If you notice that her body language is similar to yours, or she laughs when you laugh, she’s mirroring you without even knowing it.

If you mirror her, it can have a positive impact on the way she perceives you.

#13. She gives you attention.

If you’re at a social event, does she give you the most attention? Is she going out of her way to strike up a conversation or keep the conversation going?

Then she is definitely into you! 

#14. She shows you how she loves the same things you like.

It could be that you both have similar interests, but she likely wants you to invite her to spend time with you.

Did she get overly enthusiastic when you mentioned a video game or sport? It’s because she wants to connect with you!

#15. The foot is pointed toward you while seated.

The direction in which her feet point strongly indicates how she feels about you and the conversation. 

She wants the conversation to end if her feet point toward an exit or another direction. However, if her feet are pointing toward you, she’s engaged and wants to keep talking to you. 

#16. Displays open palms towards you.

Our hands tell a lot about us. If her palms are open when she is talking to you, it’s a sign that she’s friendly and open to the conversation. 

On the flip side, if her palms are closed behind her back, she may not be that into you.

#17. She is energetic during the conversation.

Is she enthusiastic in the conversation? She enjoys talking to you. She finds you engaging, and she’s interested. 

She may laugh a lot or nod her head in agreement. This is because she’s excited to talk to you.

#18. She asks deep questions about you.

If she’s steering the conversation to more personal topics, she’s looking for connection. She wants to understand you on a more profound level. 

She may want to know about your goals or where you grew up. She wants to see if you’re a good guy.

#19. She touches her face while looking at you.

If she can’t stop fidgeting when you two are talking, it’s because she likes you. She’ll touch her face, play with her hair, or even rub her ear. It’s a way of calming down her nervousness or excitement. 

If her hand is rested on her chin, it could be that she’s concentrated on what you’re saying. It could also mean she is bored, so pay attention to her eyes and other signs in her body language.

#20. She keeps playing with her hair.

She’s either playing with her hair because she’s nervous or flirting and wants to draw your attention toward her face. 

In both cases, she finds you attractive.

#21. She may talk about things you can do in the future.

If you take her out and she mentions another great place the two of you should check out in the future, she enjoys your company and wants to keep seeing you!

This is a strong sign she’s into you.

Signs She Doesn’t Like You or Is Losing Interest

Now that you know the signs she’ll give when she likes you, it’s important to know when a girl isn’t that interested. It can save you time, effort, and heartbreak. 

Additionally, she’ll give you telltale signs if you’re already in a relationship and she is beginning to lose feelings. With girls, they don’t break up with someone out of the blue. 

It’s more of a gradual, slow process (unless something severe happened, like one of you got caught cheating). In most cases, she’ll give you many chances before she finally gives up and ends things. 

If you notice that your girlfriend is beginning to withdraw from the relationship, having open and honest communication is critical if you want to save the relationship.

#1. She looks away from you.

If she looks away and avoids eye contact when you’re trying to talk to her, it’s because she isn’t comfortable and certainly not interested. 

If she doesn’t feel comfortable with you, she won’t give you a chance.

#2. She gives you negative body language.

Negative body language can look like leaning away, crossed arms, and feet pointed in another direction. 

She’ll close herself off and physically distance herself away from you. 

#3. She doesn’t seem excited when talking to you.

If she doesn’t seem excited when talking to you, it’s because she isn’t. Don’t assume she is playing hard to get. 

Girls don’t usually play hard to get at all. They try and make it known that they have no interest through non-verbal cues to avoid having to be blunt and say it out loud. It’s safer because girls don’t know how a guy might react to rejection.

If she is polite, she might fake a smile. You can tell a smile is fake if it doesn’t reach her eyes. A genuine smile will make her eyes light up.

#4. She will give you one-word answers.

This relates to seeming unexcited when talking to you. She’ll give one-word responses to let you know she is utterly uninterested without having to say it. 

#5. She will have a closed body.

If she closes herself up, she’s displaying negative body language. She does not feel comfortable being around you and may even try to distance herself from you. 

Having a closed body can look like crossed legs and crossed arms. She might also have her hand on her shoulder to cover her chest area. 

#6. She avoids your touch.

Does she pull her away when you try to hold her hand? Then she has no interest and does not want you in her personal space. 

If you’re in a relationship, it can signify losing feelings, or she’s upset with you.

#7. She avoids eye contact.

She avoids eye contact because she does not want any invitation for conversation. She likely feels deeply uncomfortable. 

If you try to call her name or introduce yourself, she might look at you for a second but quickly look away when talking to you. She is looking for a reason to leave the conversation.

#8. The tone of her voice is neutral.

A girl’s voice will usually get higher or softer when attracted to someone. If her voice remains neutral and unenthusiastic, there isn’t an ounce of interest.

#9. Scratching her nose or the back of her neck.

If she scratches her nose, it usually signals that she doesn’t like the topic of the conversation. 

It can also signify that she’s saying something that makes her uncomfortable, such as having to endure a conversation she doesn’t want to be in. 

If she is scratching the back of her neck, it can mean she’s stressed or frustrated. She is certainly not interested in having any conversation.

#10. When you are talking to her, she avoids eye contact or tries to look away.

If you’re in a conversation, and she’s looking around the room and giving minimal eye contact, it usually means she’s looking for someone else to talk to, or she’s looking for an escape. 

She has no interest in holding a conversation, so don’t be surprised if she ends it.

#11. She is unenergetic and isn’t excited while talking to you.

If you’re already in a relationship, she’ll give one-word responses if she is upset or frustrated with you. 

And if you haven’t had any recent arguments, it’s a good indicator that she’s losing that spark she once felt with you. 

#12. She turns her body away from you when you turn your body towards her.

She’ll do this to distance herself. In most cases, this happens automatically and without thought. It’s a response to her discomfort.

#13. She makes less effort to talk with you.

Are the conversations starting to get dull? It’s likely because she’s no longer interested in putting energy into the conversation. She simply doesn’t want to talk to you anymore.

#14. She folds her arms in front of her chest.

This is a way of closing herself off or showing disapproval. She is usually not too happy if her arms are across her chest. 

#15. When you try to touch her, she reacts negatively by avoiding your touch.

In a relationship, she’ll pull away or even ask you not to touch her if she’s upset or stressed. It can also signify that she lost any desire or attraction for you.

Therefore, open and honest communication is so important. Ask her how she’s feeling, and if you want to save your relationship, it’s a good idea to listen to why she’s feeling a certain way.

#16. She talks to you with a neutral voice.

In relationships, the tone of voice often speaks more than words. If her tone is neutral, she could be bored, tired, or no longer interested in you. 

Don’t be afraid to ask her about how she’s feeling. If something is bothering her about the relationship, she might brush it off and say she’s fine until she feels ready to talk about it. 

#17. When you try to extend close to her, she leans back.

For example, if you’re sitting across the table from her and try to reach for her hand, does she lean back and pull away? 

If this is the case, she is unhappy with you. She doesn’t want any form of physical or intimate contact. 

#18. She is no longer texting you as much as she used to.

If she texted you all the time at the beginning of the relationship and slowly began to put less and less effort into holding any conversations, this is a sure sign she lost interest.

She may have already moved on to someone else at this point.

#19. She is no longer calling you as much as she used to.

As I’ve mentioned above, it’s a good sign she lost interest. She doesn’t want to hear about your day, and she doesn’t want to share any details about hers either. 

#20. She is not replying to your texts as fast as she used to.

If she’s consistently taking hours to respond, she wants you to know that you’re just not a priority anymore. 

Unless she recently got a new job that strictly forbids her from being on her phone, which is highly unlikely. In most cases, she’s either purposefully waiting hours to respond or genuinely forgetting. 

Either way, she wouldn’t have forgotten if she was really into you.

#21. She no longer laughs at your jokes.

If all those jokes that she once thought were so funny suddenly aren’t funny anymore, she lost interest.

She is no longer excited and is no longer putting any energy into your interactions.

#22. She angrily blows things out of proportion for even the slightest mistake.

If she becomes easily upset, when she typically doesn’t, it’s usually due to some underlying issue that is much bigger than the minor mistake you made.

She could be dealing with high levels of stress or possibly struggling with a mental illness. 

In most cases, it’s usually because she tried to communicate her minor frustrations in the past, and they remained unresolved. She reached a level of frustration that caused her emotional threshold to shrink.

You’ll know she’s ready to break up when she stops blowing up and becomes completely indifferent. It means she’s given up on you entirely.

#23. She’s no longer excited about the idea of meeting up with you.

If you’re dating and she suddenly has every excuse in the book for why she can’t hang out, she no longer wants to see you. 

If this happens consistently, it isn’t out of sheer coincidence. It’s because she doesn’t want to keep seeing you.

Main Takeaway

Being able to tell if a girl likes you is a handy skill. It takes the uncertainty out of dating and knowing if she wants to be with you or not. 

So, if you’re spending time with a girl who does any of the above, there’s a chance she likes you. In contrast, she’ll give you strong signals if she doesn’t like you.

If you found this post helpful, check out my other articles on DnR for more dating and relationship tips!